Unveiling the Make in India Soft Loan Fund for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMILE) Scheme – It Transforms India’s Manufacturing Landscape

The Make in India Soft Loan Fund for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMILE) scheme is an important initiative of the Government of India aimed at promoting the growth and development of the manufacturing sector. Launched as part of the larger Make in India campaign in 2015, SMILE focuses on providing financial support to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to enhance their competitiveness, encourage innovation, and facilitate job creation in the country.

The SMILE scheme recognizes the crucial role played by MSMEs in driving economic growth, employment generation, and export promotion. It aims to address the challenges faced by these enterprises, such as limited access to affordable finance, inadequate technological capabilities, and the need for infrastructure development. By providing soft loans, technical assistance, and mentorship, the scheme aims to create an enabling environment for MSMEs to thrive and contribute significantly to the manufacturing sector’s growth.

Objectives of the SMILE Scheme:

The Make in India Soft Loan Fund for MSMEs (SMILE) has several key objectives, including:

  1. Access to Affordable Finance: The scheme aims to provide accessible and affordable financial assistance to MSMEs by offering soft loans with favorable interest rates, flexible repayment options, and relaxed collateral requirements. The availability of low-cost finance is intended to address the financing challenges faced by MSMEs and enable them to invest in technology, infrastructure, and skill development.
  2. Enhancing Competitiveness: SMILE focuses on enhancing the competitiveness of MSMEs by supporting their efforts to adopt advanced technologies, modernize their production processes, and improve product quality. The scheme encourages MSMEs to invest in research and development, innovation, and technology upgradation to enhance their competitiveness in domestic and international markets.
  3. Promoting Job Creation: The SMILE scheme aims to facilitate job creation by promoting the growth of MSMEs. By providing financial support for expansion, diversification, and capacity building, the scheme seeks to create a conducive environment for MSMEs to generate employment opportunities, particularly in sectors such as manufacturing, textiles, and engineering.
  4. Facilitating Export Promotion: SMILE recognizes the potential of MSMEs in contributing to India’s export growth. The scheme aims to support MSMEs in exploring and entering international markets by providing financial assistance for export-oriented activities, export promotion initiatives, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, and development of export-related infrastructure.
  5. Providing Technical Assistance: The SMILE scheme includes provisions for providing technical assistance to MSMEs to enhance their operational efficiency, productivity, and quality standards. This assistance may include technology transfer, skill development, training programs, consultancy services, and access to specialized expertise. The objective is to equip MSMEs with the necessary knowledge and skills to compete effectively in the global market.
  6. Encouraging Innovation: SMILE emphasizes the importance of innovation in the growth and competitiveness of MSMEs. The scheme promotes the adoption of innovative practices, encourages research and development activities, and supports the commercialization of new technologies and products. By fostering a culture of innovation, SMILE aims to position Indian MSMEs as pioneers in their respective sectors.
  7. Promoting Sustainable Development: The SMILE scheme incorporates sustainability as a key element in MSME growth. It encourages the adoption of environmentally friendly practices, resource efficiency, waste management, and renewable energy solutions. By promoting sustainable development, the scheme aims to create a greener and more responsible manufacturing sector.

Implementation of the SMILE Scheme:

The Make in India Soft Loan Fund for MSMEs (SMILE) scheme is implemented through various financial institutions, including banks, non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). These institutions act as intermediaries for disbursing soft loans and providing technical assistance to eligible MSMEs.

The implementation process of the SMILE scheme involves the following steps:

  1. Identification of Eligible MSMEs: MSMEs interested in availing the benefits of the SMILE scheme need to meet certain eligibility criteria defined by the implementing institutions. These criteria may include factors such as the scale of operations, business turnover, export potential, technological capabilities, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Application and Documentation: Interested MSMEs are required to submit their loan applications along with the necessary supporting documents to the designated financial institution. The documentation typically includes details about the business, financial statements, project proposal, market analysis, and any other information required by the implementing institution.
  3. Evaluation and Loan Approval: The financial institution evaluates the loan applications based on predetermined criteria, including the viability and potential impact of the proposed project or expansion. The evaluation process may involve a thorough assessment of the MSME’s financial health, creditworthiness, market potential, technical capabilities, and compliance with regulatory standards. Upon successful evaluation, the loan is approved, and the terms and conditions are communicated to the borrower.
  4. Disbursement of Soft Loans: Once the loan is approved, the financial institution disburses the funds to the MSME. The loan amount, repayment period, interest rates, and other conditions are specified in the loan agreement. The disbursed funds are to be used for the purposes mentioned in the loan application, such as technology upgradation, infrastructure development, working capital, or any other approved project-related expenses.
  5. Technical Assistance and Mentorship: Alongside the financial support, the SMILE scheme provides technical assistance to MSMEs through various means. This assistance may include specialized training programs, workshops, seminars, and access to industry experts and mentors. The objective is to enhance the technical capabilities, managerial skills, and overall competitiveness of the supported MSMEs.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation: The implementation of the SMILE scheme involves monitoring and evaluation to ensure the effective utilization of funds and the achievement of desired outcomes. Regular progress reports, financial statements, and performance indicators are collected from the supported MSMEs to assess the impact of the scheme. Feedback mechanisms and periodic reviews help in refining the scheme and addressing any challenges faced during implementation.

Benefits of the SMILE Scheme:

The Make in India Soft Loan Fund for MSMEs (SMILE) scheme offers a range of benefits to eligible MSMEs, including:

  1. Access to Affordable Finance: SMILE provides MSMEs with access to soft loans at favorable interest rates, reducing the financial burden associated with borrowing. The scheme offers relaxed collateral requirements, making it easier for MSMEs to avail themselves of financial assistance without pledging significant assets as security.
  2. Flexible Repayment Options: The scheme offers flexible repayment options to MSMEs, allowing them to align their loan repayments with their cash flow and business cycles. This flexibility ensures that the loan repayments do not strain the financial resources of the MSMEs and provides them with the necessary breathing space to manage their business operations effectively.
  3. Support for Technological Upgradation: SMILE encourages MSMEs to invest in technology upgradation and modernization. The scheme provides financial assistance for the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies, automation, digitalization, and other innovative practices. This support helps MSMEs enhance their production efficiency, product quality, and overall competitiveness.
  4. Market Expansion and Export Promotion: The scheme assists MSMEs in expanding their market reach and tapping into domestic and international opportunities. It provides financial support for market research, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, export-related activities, and the development of export-oriented infrastructure. This support enables MSMEs to explore new markets, establish partnerships, and increase their exports.
  5. Technical Assistance and Skill Development: SMILE offers technical assistance and skill development programs to MSMEs, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, expertise, and capabilities to adopt best practices, improve operational efficiency, and upgrade their skills. This assistance enhances the overall productivity and competitiveness of MSMEs, enabling them to thrive in a dynamic business environment.
  6. Job Creation and Employment Generation: By supporting the growth and expansion of MSMEs, the SMILE scheme contributes to job creation and employment generation. As MSMEs expand their operations, they require additional manpower, leading to increased employment opportunities across various sectors. This employment generation contributes to socioeconomic development, poverty reduction, and inclusive growth.
  7. Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The SMILE scheme fosters an entrepreneurial culture by encouraging innovation, research and development, and the commercialization of new ideas. It provides MSMEs with the necessary resources and support to transform innovative concepts into marketable products and services. This focus on entrepreneurship and innovation promotes economic dynamism and drives sustainable growth.
  8. Infrastructure Development: The SMILE scheme recognizes the importance of infrastructure development in supporting the growth of MSMEs. It provides financial assistance for the creation of industrial clusters, common facilities centers, technology parks, and other infrastructure requirements. This support helps in creating a conducive business environment for MSMEs and facilitates their integration into global value chains.
  9. Capacity Building and Networking Opportunities: SMILE facilitates capacity building and networking opportunities for MSMEs through its various support programs. It provides access to training programs, workshops, seminars, and mentorship initiatives that enable MSMEs to enhance their managerial skills, improve business practices, and learn from industry experts. The scheme also facilitates networking opportunities with other MSMEs, industry associations, and potential business partners.
  10. Contributing to National Development: The SMILE scheme aligns with the larger national agenda of promoting manufacturing, economic growth, and job creation. By supporting the growth of MSMEs, the scheme contributes to the development of a robust and sustainable manufacturing sector. It also strengthens the overall competitiveness of the Indian economy by fostering entrepreneurship, innovation, and technological advancement.

Implementation and Partnerships:

The implementation of the SMILE scheme involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including the government, financial institutions, industry associations, and MSMEs themselves. The government provides the policy framework, financial support, and regulatory environment necessary for the scheme’s effective implementation. Financial institutions, such as banks and NBFCs, act as intermediaries for disbursing the soft loans and providing technical assistance to the MSMEs.

Industry associations play a crucial role in facilitating the implementation of the scheme by disseminating information, conducting awareness programs, and acting as a bridge between the government and the MSMEs. They provide support services, guidance, and mentorship to the MSMEs, helping them navigate the various aspects of the scheme and maximize its benefits.

The success of the SMILE scheme also depends on the active participation and engagement of MSMEs themselves. MSMEs need to be proactive in identifying their needs, preparing comprehensive project proposals, and utilizing the financial assistance and technical support provided by the scheme effectively.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

To ensure the effectiveness and impact of the SMILE scheme, a robust monitoring and evaluation mechanism is in place. Regular monitoring helps track the progress of the supported MSMEs, assess the utilization of funds, and identify any challenges faced during implementation. Periodic evaluation of the scheme’s outcomes and impact enables policymakers to make necessary adjustments, refine the scheme, and address any shortcomings.

Feedback mechanisms, surveys, and performance indicators are used to gather data and assess the impact of the scheme on MSMEs, job creation, exports, and overall economic development. The findings of these evaluations help in shaping future policies and initiatives, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with the evolving needs of the MSME sector.


The Make in India Soft Loan Fund for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMILE) scheme is a significant initiative by the Government of India to support the growth and development of MSMEs in the country. By providing financial assistance, technical support, and infrastructure development, the scheme aims to enhance the competitiveness of MSMEs, promote entrepreneurship, and foster innovation in the manufacturing sector.

The SMILE scheme not only facilitates access to affordable finance but also emphasizes the importance of skill development, technology upgradation, and market expansion. By addressing the challenges faced by MSMEs and creating an enabling environment for their growth, the scheme contributes to job creation, economic development, and inclusive growth.

Through effective implementation, continuous monitoring, and evaluation, the SMILE scheme has the potential to unleash the full potential of MSMEs, making them key drivers of India’s manufacturing sector and contributors to the nation’s economic growth and development.

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